Straight out of the bamboo forest!

Meet PIZZA PANDA, a fluffy little fast-driving bear, as he beeps, bounces, and barrels his way through 20+ levels in search of the lost pizza slices. He'll have to zigzag through city streets to beat the clock, delivering the freshly reconstructed pizzas straight into the mouths of hungry citizens.

But that's not all! Puzzling hats, helpless rats, and meddlesome cats also await PIZZA PANDA and his trusty red automobile. It's non-stop action all the way to the top of the winner's podium!


PICO-8 virtual gamepadXbox controller (or any SDL2-compatible gamepad)
Jump🅾️AZ, C, or N
Honk/Start LevelX, BX, V, or M
Move Left/Right⬅️/➡️Left joystick, D-pad (native version only)
Pause/Menu<menu>StartEnter, P

Technical stuff

  • the web version above might not always work perfectly (the audio can be especially bad on some telephones), so download the native desktop executable version for the best experience
  • all progress is automatically saved
  • if you open the menu when you're on the title-screen there are a couple of special options only available there:
    • "disable music": this disables all music from playing during this run of the game (reset the cart to re-enable the music) but preserves sound effects; this is intended as an accessibility option
    • "erase all data": this deletes your saved progress and also your timer setting


Download NowName your own price

Click download now to get access to the following files: 791 kB
Version 2 3.3 MB
Version 2 1 MB
Version 2 2.3 MB
Version 2
pizza_panda.p8.png 62 kB
Version 2

Development log


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Hi there, big fan of your game, I got every nighttime star and it was a ton of fun! I wanted to let you know that a couple hours ago I submitted this game to and it has since been approved, so now Pizza Panda has a page, and I am a mod! I just wanted to let you know about this and give you the opportunity to tell me to take it down, or become a mod on it if you would like, or tell me how you’d rather categories be set up (currently I’ll be having an any% for finishing the game, 100% for getting every day/night star + secret level, and individual categories for each level), or anything else you might like to say. The page has not been fully set up yet, but here is the link: 

Thank you!

that’s amazing, thank you!! i love it <33

I will DM you on there!


Just discovered this game a few days ago and utterly love it! Cute graphics, great sound effects and just overall fun to play. I'm stuck on level 19 though - can't get the mouse to its home without getting eaten by the cats. Any tips?

the height of the car’s jump depends on how long you hold down the jump button…does that help? :)


That's OK, not long after I posted that comment, I made it through the level. ;) Finished all 20 levels.
Thanks for a great game! I don't usually like platformers much but this one was cool - I guess it was the puzzle aspect of the game, and not dying whenever my car fell from a great height, was what I really liked about it!

thanks so much for the nice feedback! i’m glad you were able to get to the end!


My 5yo son currently really has a blast with this great game! Thank you for creating and sharing it!

aww that makes me extremely happy

thank you for sharing that <3


Hehe, he even did ditch Mario Odyssey in favor of Pizza Panda the other day...

Btw, he finished all levels by now and now is after the golden stars. So time to think about a sequel ;)


wow that was really fun! I got all stars but that message implies that there's more, is there really? 


Oh god there is, this is gonna be fun :3



a fukin masterpiece


Hey lovely, this is my tribute, thank you...


I had a blast! The customers only accepting their orders if they have the right hat on is just the best.

thank you!!! 🎩🧢👒😊


Definitely needs to join the list of favorite pizza-themed platfomers. :)


i loved the puzzles in this game!! the whole game was so cute and fun :))

thank you so much!! :>

aaargggh , is there a double jump or a wall jump to pick up these damn mouse???? ---  the game is amazing by the way


this is one of the few levels in which you might need to restart in order to finish the level, if you have already delivered some things and are not carrying them anymore

it’s supposed to be a little puzzle :)


oh yeah !!! so smart


great ! art is so cool

thank you!


Just finished with 20/20 stars and it was super balanced with creative puzzles and rock-solid gameplay. Amazing as always!


yayyy thank youu <3


fantastic game! cute, fun to control, fun puzzles, and the post-game is excellent


I love the sewer gator jump! I wish I was better at turning “tropes” in our culture into cute pixel graphics (my focus is software). It’s also fun to carry multiple items at once. Do you plan on adding “enemies” or would that not fit the style of this game?


I love the sewer gator jump!

thanks! :)

Do you plan on adding “enemies” or would that not fit the style of this game?

yeah, a key aspect of the style of not just this game, but all my games actually, is that I try not to rely on traditional enemy-based or violence-based mechanics; that’s a very deliberate choice I make. In fact you could say that the cat/rat mechanic in pizza panda is already a fairly big departure from my previous work :D

also just an FYI regardless of any of that, this game is completely finished, after 3 years of work (on and off, in my spare time) and many iterations, so it won’t be undergoing any changes (besides bugfixes if needed)

thanks for playing!


"is that I try not to rely on traditional enemy-based or violence-based mechanics"

Good point! The vast majority of platform games have enemies/hazards "hit this and you lose a life/HP/restart level". It gets old quickly! Making games is hard work, I can only squeeze out a (very small) game every couple of weeks myself.

